Mentor: Tonči Žarnić
This is a story about a public city market hall, which has with the downside of it`s presence changed the meaning of a place into which was inserted. Form, that defined it, and structure that constituted it, were modeled out to be simple shapes, much like the houses that could be found in the nearby enviroment. It´s rigorous appereance, sameness, and geometric abstraction was grown as a counter reaction from ubiquitous diversity of which was surrounded by. Also, the project found it`s meaning through the superposition of the spatial characteristics of the three levels. Thus, the ground floor level, spatially neutral and with it´s airiness also the public level, constantly got defined by that above, which was the cross imprint, and that below, which had a circular imprint. The constant presence of flowers and scents of fruits and vegetables should change the experience of the observed area.
The Memory of History
In the beginning, historic city existed. In the truest sense of the word, it contained all the defining elements of its structure: streets, squares, monuments and monumental buildings. The boundary of the town was clear and final. What marked the boundary was visible differences between urban and suburban; Edge of town, defined by simple village houses and vast expanses of natural territory tangentially existed with just built urbanity. Parallel to this, the residents of the city enjoyed the newly created density. To them, hitherto unknown city concepts, began to shape their lives.
Beginning of the Modernity
After some time, due to the enormous process of change, the city began to transform. Modernity was melted into postmodernity, social society into capitalist one. Residents of the city that have adapted to the impending change survived, while others, declared nostalgic, were left forgotten. The historical part, though physically intact, changed the character of it´s spirit; the ambient was much more than the totallity of it‘s architectural masses; it became a place of people and flow of information, new technologies and microprojects. The idea of the city as a defined finality, disappeared. It´s size slowly became undetectable. Life, though possible, was out of balance. Pluralism of the Contemporary
Consequently, this city; the contemporary one; through it‘s process of expansion, became rugged with dual and ambivalent properties and universes; spaces, or better, in-beetween places without true destiny and character, where urban slowly changed to unurban, abstract became the vernacular; gentlemanly disappeared and provincial grew. Residents of the city's in-beetween places, with no real sense of belonging, felt the helplessness of being in such environment. What was missing was the spatial clarity that historical part had. Unconsciously, inhabitants waited for a new form of regularity to come; one that would stimulate the possibilitay that the nostalgic aspect and the conteporary one simultaneously exist. This kind of place, mentioned above, is precisely here observed.
To solve this miserable situation, the city council turned to their last choice: they decided to build architectural refugee with a very clear attitude and intention. In their opinion this building would represent our conteporary culture in a broadest sense; It¨s architectural appereance should be nostalgic for the past and affirmative for the present.
„What should be this form of regularity“? – one of them wondered.
„One to free us all“. – the other one replied.
„Should it be a temple? Temple does not depend on the immediate context of space. On the contrary, it s presence strongly affects the same and it changes it“. – loud voice was heared from the distanced.
„If it s a temple, is it more Parthenon or Erehteion like? What program should it host“? – a question was asked.
„One that is politically correct; one that does not know the difference among us: MarketPlace in the Form of Temple“ – the last one yeld.
So, it was agreed; Since the nearby urbanity was so diverse, a building should be simple. Even rigor.
Typology of a temple was taken as a metaphor of it s dominating presence. Simple floors, each radically different, where, in a surreallistic way, new events could happen, defined the program of the market.
On suggested area of intervention, demolition plan was predicted for found buldings. The
parcel was sourrounded with: supermarket from the west, abandoned structure from north, brick industry
complex from the east, and from south urban row buildings with business/ housing like character.
Since there was a market of cloath and footwear in the near by, this kind of sale possibility
was left out from the program. And so was suggested: flower, fruit and vegetables sale on the ground floor
level; meat an fish of all kind in cellar level; and cheese, milk and egg sale on the first fl oor. All that program was accompanied with indispenible economic spaces necessary for correctly function just mentioned program.
Upper Body
1.000_the layout of the upper body directs the eye, segregates the use1.100_each room is equal to adjoining one, and yet again, different1.200_within each, one volume grows1.210_attached volumes vary in size and scale1.210_size and scale of those volumes is a result from the functional requirements and mode of use ( such as dimensioned storage of fruits and vegetables, as well office spaces)1.300_body has a double envelope1.310_exterior one builds a temple; interior one destabilizes it1.320_thus, apparent stability is relativized
Ground Floor Space
1.000_ ground floor is ostensibly neutral (from the outside) 1.100_ it consists of a rim, which acts as a procession area, and the central space1.120_ procession area is structured as a system of transverse walls 1.121_ it simultaneously frames, and directs 1.122_ through procession area we access to all spatial and program groups of the projected market 1.123_ it serves to sell flowers and as a local public garden 1.130_ central space is balanced with two penetrations; that above, which is a large cross, and that below wich is a small circle 1.131_ hence, this central room is both small and large 1.200_ obtained hierarchicy is broken with three verticals shapes; platform, stairs and a ramp
Circular Hall1.0. _basement space is a circular hall 1.1._ circular form is a metaphor of togetherness 1.2._ hall was designed as introverted space 1.3_ in the center water pump is placed and ray of light passes through the small penetration 1.4_ relationship between the serving and served space is clear
1.000_ three ways of being together, three readings of context1.100_ imprint, surface and volume; circle, square and cross; the two-sided membrane1.120_three pure platonic forms are actually three forms of emptiness1.200_ space of seclusion; neutral and porous space; suggestive space1.300_ the previously mentioned superposition aspires to something more than the sum of its parts2.000_ spatial organization of each level hosts certain content of the market hall
Many years later, accidental passers, drawn to the atmosphere of the building´s metaphysics, felt the excitement while having these thoughts in mind;
Temple is eternal.
Although it occurs in a particular historical period, the temple transcends the category of time.
Therefore, it is contemporary.
Temple is nostalgic.
Nostalgia is good; it manifests the existence of the human spirit.
It comes back and joins; event that is caused by sustained continuity of the same and different; pulsed is confronted with unequal. Through its spaciousness exist united and disunited.
Temple is rigorous.
With it´s identical rhythm, suggests diversity; with presence of repetition, exists ambivalently.
Texture, structure and shape as finished elements: 0 1 0 1 0 1
Regularity of it´s appereance becomes the catalysis of today´s modernity.
With processes that performes accumulates all anomalies.
Austere character absorbs everything: me and you; city of today.